So many families have asked me for a packing list, so I decided it might be easier to simply list it on my blog. I started making lists in 2006, and we did not complete the adoption until 2009! Every time I found something I thought we might need, I simply opened my trusty spreadsheet and added it. One other note. As you can see, we are quite practical. We packed our items together in the larger suitcase and used the second, slightly smaller suitcase, for our daughters items. We divided our clothes into two space saver bags, and the remainder of items was divided into labeled ziplocks. Sounds like a military exercise, I know, however it worked well living out of a suitecase for over two weeks. It helped us stay organized through all the hotel changes and allowed us to keep track of our more serious possessions like passports, adoption paperwork, and money. Essentials like our daily medications , our antibiotics, and the baby’s antibiotics were in our carryon.
If I had to do it over again, I think I might choose to bring less snack food items and more items which required only hot water for a meal. While it is convenient to have such food stuffs along, it is only truly necessary to bring those items for which you cannot live without. For example, I love chocolate. Perhaps, it was available, and I did not see it however after over two weeks without chocolate, nothing tasted better than a bag of M&M’s. Without further ado, here is my packing list.
Paperwork - Refer to list
Money / Travelers Checks/Orphanage Donation
Prescriptions & Antibiotics
Allergy Medication
Eye Mask
Neck pillow
Lightweight sweatshirt
Outfit for baby
Change of clothes
Sweatshirt Coverup
Laptop with cord / Cord for Pictures
Clorox Wipes
Calling cards
Sinus Sprays
Email addresses/ numbers
Phrase Book
Camera & Cords
Pen & Paper
Cell Phone
Cell Phone Cord
Mom & Dad’s Large Suitecase
Underwear, socks, bras
5 Shirts
4 Pants/Shorts (a combination of)
2 pair of good walking shoes - Wore crocs on flight and packed tennis shoes
Flip flops.
Zipup Sweatshirt
Gifts for orphanage workers and officials when signing off on paperwork
Travel Alarm
Plastic silverware (a couple of sets)
Flashlight and extra batteries
Duck Tape – Yes we did use it on a bag!
Toothbrush, toothpaste
Feminine products
Contacts, solution, and glasses
Band Aids
Ammodium AD
Cold Medicine
Cough Drops
Goldbond Antitch
Small amount of detergent
Yeast infection treatment
Mosquito repellent (did not use)
Triple Antibiotic Salve
Mini packs of Kleenex (will need for public restrooms)
Antibacterial wipes (used a lot on the plane to wipe of seat at height of H1N1 scare)
Boroleum – Sinus moisturizer
Pen, paper, & sticky notes
Disposible razors
Shaving cream
Diapers (16 - 20)
Changing pad
Plastic Bibs
Baby Washcloth (2)
Baby Towel (2)
Blanket (2)
Baby Hat
PJ's - Long sleeved bc of air conditioning in room
Shoes / Sandals
Pants - Elastic waist to cover from sun
Shorts - Long over knee
Toys - Board Books, links, & stacking cups
Board Books
Baby Photo Album
Individual Packs of Rice Cereal
Prescription Meds - In our name
Elimite - Scabies 20 gm
Lice solution
Baby Motrin
Baby Benadryl
Infant Cold Decongestant
Medicine Spoon Syringes
Orajel / Ambisol for teething
Diaper Rash Cream - Bag Balm
Baby laxative suppositories
Baby Sunscreen
Hair/Body Baby Shampoo
Baby Nail Clippers
Tongue Depressors
Baby toothpaste
Saline Drops - Little Noses
Anitbacterial Wipes
Cheerios Big Box Emptied into two gallon sized bags
Rice Cereal
Baby rice Cereal
Baby Food Prunes
Gerber Fruit Chews
Baby Food Bananas
Bottles w/ disposible liners / Sippy Cups
Biter Biscuits
Extra bottle nipples (to make smaller each day) or Dr Brown's Y cut nipples
Baby Utensils
Plastic measuring cup - Take small Pchef
Bowl & Spoon
Travel formula container
Something she can eat that is sweet (bonding & trust) -
Photo album with pictures of family
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